_image from IT Crowd S1E5

I already messaged this to my friend already, so to keep myself from coming up with a new way to reformat those words, I’ll just paste what I messaged them here.

I don’t have this blog listed on my resume or anything, so I feel like it would be kind of safe to curse on here. Albeit, if an employer is going through every repo and sees this they might be a little put off. Granted, they would have to actually skim a bit to reach this post. Hopefully this post doesn’t get me disqualified of a job. It’s pretty socially acceptable to curse, come the fuck on guys.

Initial fuck up

So I was trying to delete the Wayland display server protocol, and it just wiped my display, so everything was just command line. I think it logged me out and ProtonVPN didn’t work because I have that thing on kill switch. So my internet wouldn’t work without VPN, but I couldn’t reconnect it.

So I was like alright, I still have my SSD I can back things up to. But my desktop environment doesn’t automount drives for safety reasons. I mount things using the graphical environment and I guess I forgot how to mount using command line. So in hindsight, I guess I should’ve tried attempting that. So I ssh into my server and backed things up. It took fuck long, so I let the file transfer overnight. When I woke up I saw error messages going up and down the screen saying there’s no space. Apparently I had a lot of shit, so it uploaded over 1 TB of stuff and my server wouldn’t even function normally. So I wiped a bunch of the stuff and restarted the server to finally get it working again.

Second fuck up

Then I reinstalled my OS and enabled disk encryption. After a while of setting things up to how I wanted it, I restarted. That restart bricked everything. It couldn’t mount to my boot partition. I looked up help and guides but because everything was encrypted, nothing worked, even ram was encrypted, so I couldn’t even fix things when I booted into flash drive.

Finally got it to work

After my second install without disk encryption, it is finally working. Tried to install ZSH and configure everything. Didn’t like it, but that’s a story for next time.

Moral of the story

I have no idea what the moral of the story is. Don’t delete Wayland? Don’t try encryption? (I have to try this again next time because I feel like maybe I did something wrong here) Encryption is a pain so try it if you really want to, but it might bung things up. I mean, at that point just use TailsOS on a USB or something.