Updated Synology Version

Over the past weekend I decided to update my Synology NAS server to a more up-to-date version. I wasn’t busy that day and fortunately, none of the users were online so that gave me more time in case something goes wrong. The network was back up and running but during that time frame, I was freaking out so much.

Docker Name Changes

As I was rebooting the server and attempted to access my Docker containers, I couldn’t find Docker located anywhere in my files. I was freaking out so much because I thought that Docker got corrupted or accidentally got deleted in the process of updating. I screamed and cried a little inside and I was manually looking through all my programs, looking for anything that looked like the Docker logo, although, I couldn’t find the Whale, I noticed a little blue icon, underneath, it said “Container Manager”. Maybe Docker changed its name, or at least changed their name in Synology into a weird logo and different name. Whatever it may be, I’m just glad that nothing happened to the docker containers I had on there. I configured a number of services with different port numbers, user accounts, folders, categories, the hundreds of hours that I’ve spent setting them all work with my domain. I was relieved to find it.

Just now, I just found an article from Marius Hosting where he went over the name change and the updates done to Docker if you guys want to read it. I hate it, and I would like to criticize Synology for it. Everybody knows this is Docker, why would they ever rename such a renowned appplication. If you are looking for a container manager or know what a container manager is, you would know Docker, nobody would ever look for an application called Container manager, even less one that has a completely different logo with no whale on it. I am absolutely outraged.


Well that’s it from me.

TLDR; Synology renamed Docker to Container Manager and I hate it.