"Mirror Pond [Explore]" by mclcbooks is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Would I be better off on a microblog site like Mastadon? This blog site is a bit more complicated than I thought. I mean some of you guys out there have probably made a website before, it’s a bit…messy. Y’all think it’s easy to make all these sections? Bro, I spent the whole day figuring out how to properly make sections and nice little dropdown sidebar stuff for my docs. I mean it is kind of fun I guess, lots of control and customization. Sucks a ton of my time and nobody reads it other than me though.

Well, since the last post I did, I’ve pretty much done what I’ve wanted. Everything I’ve done, and going to do in the future, pretty much boils down to everything being in either news or docs. For now, I’m going to keep going in this direction. Don’t really know how much longer I can regularly post when the semester is going to get started right around the corner, but I’ll do it anyway.

That’s pretty much all the updates from me. Thank you to whoever is reading this or most likely, some bot scanning this post.